B.Tech (CS)
Kalinga University
Percentage: 80.21.% (5th Sem)
Secondary (XII), Maths
Sai Sadan Hr. Sec. School BendriPercentage: 62.80.%
Secondary (X)
Sai Sadan Hr. Sec. School BendriPercentage: 61.%
Workshop & Training
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
University of Michigan
I learned from Coursera.orgĀ
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Web Developer
Profsys Softwares Pvt. Ltd Raipur
Internship - PHP Development
I learned PHP programming language and also learned some CSS, bootstrap, HTML MySQL, etc, which are required to develop a website. I already have web development skills before going there, such as an Expert in WordPress, blogger, and open cart.
Android Developer
Training - Android Application Development, NIT Raipur
I learned about developing a small android app. And now I can modify an android app, I have many apps that are published on Google Play Store, Publisher ID is: technicalindia
Web Developer Intern
CA Monk
I maintain and update the CA Monk website and enhance the design and improve functionality, and also I am developing a complete website for clients, CA Monk has launched a web agency( where my position is Web Developer.
Web Developer Intern
I maintain and update the website and enhance the design and improve functionality, this job role is very responsibility role because this website has much traffic, this job working time is flexible, I am working 3-4 hour a week, website link:
Web Developer Intern
I was working web developer intern in marketinc company, I had developed a website for clients of marketinc. View Certificate
Google Pay Promoter
Google Pay
In this company such as a really great experience, I had to increase My communication skills, this work is the same as the amazon pay promoter job.
Amazon Pay Promoter
Amazon Pay
In this company I was work two months as an amazon promoter, I was generating QR Code for shop via amazon app, this job basically for part-time and I was want to experience.
Tech YouTuber
This is my hobby to teach and aware of every one of technology, that's why I create the technical video, this is part-time work I am working only 1 hour a day.